All-In-One Construction Accounting Software

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New Releases in this Update

Update ID Type Title Functional Area
PE-136 Enhancement

Feature of Reversal of Voided entries of Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition

PE-225 Enhancement

Progress Billing – Auto-Apply Retention Invoice to related Requisition Invoice’s Retention entries

Progress Billings

PE-295 Enhancement

Forecast Deletion Batch to also remove the Rev. Rec. Summary Details

Job Forecast

PE-300 Enhancement

Change of 2 Job Quote fields from Option type to Enum type

Job Quoting

PE-302 Enhancement

MEM – Progress Billing Voided Requisition's Sales Credit Memo to get auto-applied in Customer Ledger Entries

ProjectPro Integrations

PE-306 Enhancement

"Type Filter" field on Jobs List/Table (Process)

ProjectPro Basics

PE-308 Enhancement

"Type Filter" field on Jobs List/Table (Reports)

ProjectPro Basics

PE-315 Enhancement

Cost Categories to flow from G/L Account

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-308 Enhancement

Enhancement - Change "Base Navision Calendar" to "Business Central Calendar"

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-357 Hot Fix

Tax details are not flowing from Job to Sales Invoice.

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-363 Task

Job Line Type not flowing to Purchase Invoice from the Job Card.

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-366 Task

Issue in Progress Billing report in case Period to date is earlier than the contract forecast date.

Progress Billings

PRJCTPR-376 Enhancement

Progress Billing - Rounding Amount for Multiple Retention on Lines

Progress Billings

PRJCTPR-377 Task

Tax details flow upon creating the Sales Document via Job Planning Lines

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-378 Hot Fix

Change Status of Final Progress Billing Requisition when Voided

Progress Billings

PRJCTPR-386 Enhancement

Salesperson Code to flow from Job to the Progress Billing Sales Invoice

Progress Billings

PRJCTPR-387 Task

Non-Editable "External Document No." on General Journal

ProjectPro Basics

PRJCTPR-388 Task

Progress Billing - "Get Job Planning Line" does not segregate between Sub-levels and Change Order

Progress Billings

PRJCTPR-390 Enhancement

JFW: Revenue Earned on Project Summary Details

Job Forecast Worksheet

PRJCTPR-395 Hot Fix

Job Change Request - Access to Change "Manager Job Status"

ProjectPro Basics

Release Note Details


Enhancement- Feature for Reversal of Voided entries of Revenue Recognition

After posting Revenue Recognition entries through the General Journal, we can now void the posted entries of Revenue Recognition.

Release June v2 image 01

The reversal entries will be created when the General Journal is generated for the same date for which the Posted or Over/Under Billings Posted entry exists in the Revenue Recognition. If the general journal is posted for these entries, then the existing posted entry will be marked as Void while the new entry will be marked as Posted or Over/Under Billings Posted.


Enhancement – Progress Billing – Auto-Apply Retention Invoice to related Requisition Invoice’s Retention entries

A new jobs setup is created under Progress Billings fast tab as “Auto Apply Retention Billing”. This setup allows you to auto apply the “Retention Document” Invoice with the related progress billing’s requisition’s invoice’s Retention entries.

Release June v2 image 02


Enhancement- Forecast Deletion Batch to also remove the Rev. Rec. Summary Detail Entries

The "Forecast Entry Deletion Batch" now also removes the associated open Revenue Recognition Summary Details. If any job has related posted rev. rec. entries, then, the user will need to have additional access on the User Setup “Allow Rev. Rec. Entries Deletion” to remove the forecast details for the job.

Release June v2 image 03


Enhancement- Change of 2 Job Quote fields from Option type to Enum type

The two fields "Probability to Close" and "Status" available on job quote under General FastTab are changed from Option type field to Enum field.

This leads to the creation of a new field with same name, where the old field contains the historical data while the new field contains the default values (as per MS standards).

To update the new field’s value with the old value, the BC/PP partner can either run the Configuration Packages or create a batch report to update them altogether. Please note that this is a one-time process when the new field is added and for future all the values will be updated in the new field as is.

Release June v2 image 04


Enhancement - MEM – Progress Billing Voided Requisition's Sales Credit Memo to get auto-applied in Customer Ledger Entries

A new setup has been created for the third-party applications (such as MEM) on the Sales & Receivables Setup under General FastTab as "Auto Apply Sales Credit Memo After Posting". This will allow you to auto-apply the posted sales invoice with the credit memo created after voiding the progress billing requisition.

Release June v2 image 05


Enhancement – "Type Filter" field on Jobs List/Table (Process)

The "Type Filter" field is modified to have correct options as Text and not "Ledger", since the data is being picked from the Project Planning Lines. This filter helps you to see the bifurcated data based on the Type selection such as Resource, Item, G/L Account.

The related processes have also been covered in this.

Release June v2 image 06


Enhancement – "Type Filter" field on Jobs List/Table (Reports)

The "Type Filter" field is modified to have correct options as Text and not “Ledger”, since the data is being picked from the Project Planning Lines. This filter helps you to see the bifurcated data based on the Type selection such as Resource, Item, G/L Account.

Related reports have also been covered in this.

Release June v2 image 07


Enhancement- Cost Categories to flow from G/L Account on Subcontract and Job Planning Lines

The default cost categories set on G/L Account now flows on the Subcontract lines and Job Planning Lines when it directly selected on the respective lines.


Enhancement - Change "Base Navision Calendar" to "Business Central Calendar"

On Job Setup Base Navision Calendar is now changed to Business Central Calendar.

Release June v2 image 09


Hot Fix- Tax details are not flowing from job to sale invoice.

Tax Liable has been made non-editable on the "Job Planning Lines" page and it would be considered from job header only as per MS standards.

Release June v2 image 10


Task - Job Line Type not flowing to Purchase Invoice from the Job Card.

In the case of T&M jobs, the Job Line Type now flows from the job card to the purchase document.


Task - Issue in Progress Billing report in case Period to date is earlier than the contract forecast date.

  1. If the "Period To" date is earlier than the "Contract Forecast Date", then there would be a confirmation message while Making the Sale Document.
  2. If click on Yes, the sale document is created but if click No then user cannot proceed for sale document.
  3. If the "Period To" date is earlier than the "Contract Forecast Date", then there would be a Validation message while running the report.

Release June v2 image 13

Release June v2 image 13


Enhancement - Progress Billing - Rounding Amount for Multiple Retention on Lines

The rounding issue in the case when a sales invoice is created either through Progress Billing or directly for a job has been resolved.


Task - Tax details flow upon creating the Sales Document via Job Planning Lines.

  1. "Sales Proforma Invoice" also shows all the sales lines in the report.
  2. "Sales Proforma Invoice" 2. shows the correct Tax and Retention Value

Release June v2 image 15


Hot Fix – Change Status of Final Progress Billing Requisition when Voided.

Voiding the final requisition of the progress billing, the system now allows the creation of a version of it.


Enhancement - Salesperson Code to flow from Job to the Progress Billing Sales Invoice.

The Salesperson Code now flows from the Job Card to the Sales Invoice when created via Progress Billing.


Task - Non-Editable "External Document No." on General Journal

The "External Document No." on the General Journal is now editable for manual entries.

Release June v2 image 15


Task - Progress Billing - "Get Job Planning Line" does not segregate between Sub-levels and Change Order

There is a Boolean field in Progress Billing sub-form with the name change order, now it will automatically update when we select change orders in the Get job planning Lines. In other cases, it will not update as shown below.

Release June v2 image 15


Enhancement - JFW: Revenue Earned on Project Summary Details

The "Revenue Earned" value on the Project Summary Details of job forecast worksheet is now calculating correctly in both the cases, when the job forecast is posted manually or running the "Batch for Posting Job Forecast Worksheet".


Hot Fix - Job Change Request - Access to Change "Manager Job Status"

The "Access to Change Manager Job Status" on user setup now works only for jobs with Job Class set to "Change Request" and not for any other job class.

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